Cinemorgue Wiki

Yul Vazquez in Fringe: Dreamscape

Yul Vazquez (1965 - )

Film Deaths[]

TV Deaths[]

  • Fringe: The Dreamscape (2008) [George Morales]: Bleeds to death when a wound spontaneously opens on his throat, as a psychosomatic reaction to his hallucination of Mark Valley slitting his throat (Yul having been drugged with a hallucinogen so powerful that it causes physical effects).
  • Severance: The You You Are (2022) [Peter "Petey" Kilmer]: Playing a dual role as "Petey" and "Petey's Innie", Vazquez dies twice. "Petey" dies of reintegration sickness after his chip was removed and "Petey's Innie" is killed when Patricia Arquette drills into his corpse's head and removes the chip.

Video Game Deaths[]

Notable Connections[]

  • Mr. Linda Larkin
Yul dead in Animorph (2007)

Yul dead in Animorph (2007)