Cinemorgue Wiki

William Lee Scott (with John Cusack and Ray Liotta) in Identity

William Lee Scott (1973 - )

Film Deaths[]

  • The Opposite of Sex (1998) [Randy Cates]: Accidentally shot in the stomach by Christina Ricci during a struggle, after the gun goes off, it's unclear who shot who, until Ricci pushes him off her on a bed. His body is later seen as morticians perform an autopsy on him discovering he has an enlarged heart that would've killed him and is missing a testicle.
  • Pearl Harbor (2001) [1st Lt. Billy Thompson]: Killed in an explosion during the bombing of Pearl Harbor, while Ewen Bremner and Greg Zola are warning him to run to safety. (Thanks to Tess)
  • Identity (2003) [Lou]: Stabbed to death (off-screen) by Bret Loehr in William's hotel room; we only hear him pounding on the door while his wife (Clea DuVall) has locked herself in the bathroom; his body is shown afterwards when she comes out, then again when John Cusack and Ray Liotta come in to investigate. (Thanks to PortsGuy)
  • The Butterfly Effect (2004) [Tommy Miller]: Beaten to death by Ashton Kutcher, after William attacks Ashton in a parking lot. His death is later undone when Ashton goes back in time to prevent this event from occurring.
  • Farm House (2008) [Chad]: Killed in an automobile accident (along with Jamie Anne Allman) when William crashes his van into a ditch after falling asleep at the wheel. He and Jamie appear in the afterlife for the remainder of the film (with the initial implication that they survived the crash) and their bodies are shown when they learn the truth from Steven Weber and Kelly Hu.
  • Nine Dead (2009) [Jackson]: Shot in the head by Melissa Joan Hart.
