Walker Edmiston (1926 - 2007)
Film Death:[]
- The Beach Girls and the Monster (Monster from the Surf) (1965) [Mark]: Clawed to death by Jon Hall when Walker discovers that Jon was the monster behind the beach killings. He dies just after Arnold Lessing and Carolyn Williamson arrive.
Television Deaths:[]
- The Wild Wild West: The Night of the Turncoat (1967) [Preacher]: Asphyxiated by poison gas, along with John McGiver, when trying to retrieve the vial of gas in a cave.
- Mannix: Sunburst (1970) [Dale Perry]: Shot in the back by Warren Vanders.
- Trilogy of Terror (1975) [Zuni Fetish Doll (voice)]: Providing the effects of a living doll, it's burnt up when Karen Black puts it in the stove and turns it on.
- Avatar: The Last Airbender: Zuko Alone (2006) [Fire Lord Azulon]: Dies years before the episode began. A flashback mentions he was poisoned by his son, Ozai (voiced by Mark Hamill) (off camera).