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Vice (2018)

Directed by Adam McKay


The story of Dick Cheney, an unassuming bureaucratic Washington insider, who quietly wielded immense power as Vice President to George W. Bush, reshaping the country and the globe in ways that we still feel today.

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  1. The original title of Vice was "Backseat."
  2. Christian Bale gained 45 pounds, shaved his head, bleached his eyebrows and exercised to thicken his neck for his role as Cheney. Bale said he achieved his hefty physique for the film by eating a lot of pies.
  3. Director Adam McKay suffered a mild heart attack during post-production. He decided to include black-and-white footage of the procedure to insert the stent in his heart, considering this to be his cameo.
  4. It was revealed that Amy Adams stayed in character during filming, especially keeping her character's distinct voice. She would even have political debates with the director while maintaining the voice. Adams revealed that it was the first time she stayed in character throughout filming.