Verdi Solaiman in Amphibious 3D
Verdi Solaiman (1975 - )
Film Deaths[]
- Amphibious 3D (2010) [Andi]: Hand chopped off and then stabbed through the neck/throat (from behind) by the sting of the giant sea scorpion. His body then found by Janna Fassaert and Michael Pare.
- The Raid: Redemption (2011) [Budi]: Shot repeatedly to death by group of Ray Sahetapy's men from the upper coridor along with other SWAT fellows.
- Java Heat (2013) [Ling]: Lost a lot of blood after a gunfight with Mike Lucock and Rio Dewanto, later shot in the chest by Kellan Lutz.
- Message Man (2018) [Lee]: Slashed with katana by Paul O'Brien, after being stabbed on the back with bow by Aji Santosa.