Cinemorgue Wiki

Tracy Reed in The Deadly Females

Tracy Reed (1942 - 2012)

  • Not to be confused with the American actress Tracy Reed

Film Deaths[]

  • The Deadly Females (1976) [Joan]: Poisoned (off-screen) when she smokes a poisoned cigarette that Rula Lenska had given her. The scene ends as Rula offers her the cigarette in the elevator; her body is shown afterwards when an elderly couple get on the elevator and discover her.

TV Deaths[]

  • None known

Notable Connections[]

  • Granddaughter of Fay Compton and H.G. Pelissier
  • Daughter of Penelope Dudley-Ward and Anthony Pelissier
  • Stepdaughter of Carol Reed
  • Cousin (by marriage) of Oliver Reed
  • Ex-Mrs. Edward Fox
  • Ex-Mrs. Neil Hallett
  • Ex-Mrs. Bill Simpson