Tomi May in Vikings: Hell
Tomi May (19?? -)
Film Deaths[]
- Open 24 Hours (2018) [Trucker]: Shot to death by Vanessa Grasse on accident on top off being stabbed in the neck by Cole Vigue.
- The Hitman's Wife's Bodyguard (2021) [Russian Gangster]
TV Shows[]
- Vikings: Hell (2018)[Jarl Olavson']: Shot repeatedly (including chest and forehead) with arrows.
- Line of Duty: On Yours Own (2019) [Miroslav Minkowicz]: Shot to death by Richard Pepple.
- Strike Back 8.01: Mortally wounded via gunshot to the stomach while trying to defend himself and Jamie Bamber at a hospital. Tomi dies from his wound while having a final conversation with Jamie.