Toby Leonard Moore in Daredevil: The Path of the Righteous
Toby Leonard Moore (1981 - )
Film Deaths[]
- John Wick (2014) [Victor]: Neck snapped by Keanu Reeves, after Keanu partly drowned him a sink, as he demands to know where Alfie Allen was. Once Toby gave up the information, Keanu pressed down on Toby's neck against the sink, breaking his neck and killing him.
Television Deaths[]
- Blue Bloods: Redo (2010) [Dick Reed]: Shot in the head by Tom Selleck, as Toby threatens Bridget Moynahan.
- Banshee: The Rave (2013) [Christopher Hanson]: Mauled to death by a dog released by Ulrich Thomsen and Matthew Rauch.
- Daredevil: The Path of the Righteous (2015) [James Wesley]: Shot in the chest multiple times by Deborah Ann Woll, when she grabs his handgun, after he's distracted by a phone call. Although Toby attempts to bluff his way out of the situation by suggesting that the handgun is not actually loaded, Deborah does not fall for it and shoots him as soon as he tries to stand up. His body is seen in the following episode The Ones We Leave Behind when Vincent D'Onofrio arrives at the scene.
- The Blacklist: Raymond Reddington (No. 00): Part 1 (2023) [Arthur Hudson]: Shot in the head by James Spader.