Titanic (2012 Mini-series)
Director: Jon James
The world's largest ship, the Titanic, meets with disaster when it strikes an iceberg on its maiden voyage.
Male Deaths[]
- Thomas Aldridge [Steward Taylor]
- Shane Attwooll [Billy Blake]
- Attila Bardóczy [Gatti's Waiter]
- Glen Blackhall [Paolo Sandrini]
- Sándor Boros [Seaman #3]
- Dragos Bucur [Peter Lubov]
- David Calder [Captain Smith]
- Krisztián Czirják [Steward #2]
- Matt Devere [Boilerman]
- David Eisner [Benjamin Guggenheim]
- Jonathan Howard [Sixth Officer Moody]
- Preston Hrisko [Hudson Allison]
- Mark Lewis Jones [David Evans]
- Péter Katona [Steward #1]
- John Kazek [Steward Turnbull]
- Will Keen [Chief Officer Wilde]
- István Koncz [Gatti's Waiter]
- Péter Kõszegi [George Widener]
- Dave Legeno [Seaman Davis]
- Joseph May [Victor Giglio]
- Brian McCardie [First Officer Murdoch]
- Peter McDonald [Jim Maloney]
- Stephen Campbell Moore [Thomas Andrews]
- Mátyás Ölveti [Cellist]
- Miles Richardson [John Jacob Astor]
- Noah Reid [Harry Widener]
- Lee Ross [Kenneth Barnes]
- Gábor Salinger [Seaman #4]
- Richard Southgate [Milton Long]
- László Szili [Seaman #1]
- Csongor Veér [Wallace Hartley]
- Peter Wight [Joseph Rushton]
Female Deaths[]
- Olivia Darnley [Bessie Allison]
- Maria Doyle Kennedy [Muriel Batley]
- Georgia McCutcheon [Theresa Maloney]
- Larina Meszaros [Loraine Allison]
- 2,500 extras (mainly Hungarians) were used for the mini-series.
- The idea for this mini-series came about in 2008.
- This is the first dramatization of the "Titanic" disaster to not feature a recreation of the iconic First Class Grand Staircase.