The Purge (2013)
Director: by James DeMonaco
In the future, a wealthy family who harbors the target (Edwin Hodge) of a murderous syndicate, find themselves besieged by the perpetrators led by their charismatic leader (Rhys Wakefield) during the night of the Purge, a 12-hour period in which any and all crime is legalized and all emergency services are suspended
Male Deaths[]
- Boima Blake [Purger-5]
- Nathan Clarkson [Purger-6]
- Thomas Fuentelzar [Purger-10]
- Ethan Hawke [James Sandin]
- Aaron Kuban [Purger-4]
- Chester Lockhart [Purger-7]
- Tony Oller [Henry]
- Tyler Osterkamp [Purger-8]
- Trazariah Shells [Purger-11]
- Jesse Jacobs [Purger-12]
- Rj Wolfe [Purger-14]
- Rhys Wakefield [Polite Leader-1]
- John Weselcouch [Interrupting Purger-2]
- RJ Wolfe [Purger-9]
- Tom Yi [Mr. Cali]
Female Deaths[]
- Alicia Vela-Bailey [Female Purger-3]
- Mickey Facchinello [Female Purger-13]