Cinemorgue Wiki

The Hindenburg (1975)

Directed: Robert Wise


A film that chronicles the events of the Hindenburg disaster in which the zeppelin burst into flames.


  • A real-life tragedy nearly happened during the filming of the Hindenburg's fiery death. A full-scale section of the Hindenburg's nose was built for the film, and was set to be destroyed by fire for the film's final destruction sequence. A half-dozen stunt artists wearing fire-retardant gear were placed in the nose replica as it was set afire; however, the fire quickly got out of control, causing several stunt artists to get lost in the smoke, damaging several cameras filming the action, and nearly destroying the sound stage. Some of the footage from this sequence was used in the final cut of the film, but the full sequence, as it had been planned, was not included.

Male Deaths[]

Female Deaths[]