Tetsu Wataabe in Sonatine
Tetsu Watanabe (1951 - )
Film Deaths[]
- Godzilla vs. Mothra (1992) [Army Commander]:Explosion by Battra
- Sonatine (1993) [Uechi]: Shot to death in an elevator by Eiji Minakata.
- Yakuza Ladies Reviisted: Love is Hell (Shin gokudo no onna-tachi: horetara jigoku) (1994) [Boss] Stabbed to deaht by rival gangsters while visiting a movie set.
- Gamera The Brave (Chiisaki yûsha-tachi)(2006) [Lost Sailor]: Dies when the monster pulls him underwater while he is on a life raft in the middle of the ocean. Bloods comes to the surface.
- Cold Fish (Tsumetai nettaigyo) (2010) [Takayasu TsuTsui]: Dies of a heart attack.
- Yazkuza Apocalpyse: The Great War of the Underworld (Gokudou daisensou) (2015)[Prisoner]: Murdered off-screen by Denden and drained of blood. We only hear Tetsu screaming.
- Shin Godzilla (2016) [Deputy Chief Cabinet Secretary for Crisis Management]: Dies when Godzilla shoots a laser blast from its mouth destroying the helicopter he's in with the rest of the Japanese government officials.
TV Deaths[]
- AIBOU: Tokyo Detective Duo : Episode 2.3 (2003) [Kôkichi Ômagari]: Stabbed by Hiroo Ôtaka with frozen squid.