Sunshine (2007)
Director: Danny Boyle
In the not-too-distant future, Earth's dying sun, caused by a mysterious space phenomenon spells the end for humanity. In a last-ditch effort to save the planet, a crew of eight men and women ventures into space with a device that could revive the star. However, an accident, a grave mistake and a distress beacon from a long-lost spaceship throw the crew and its desperate mission into a tailspin with the crew not only having to battle the hazards of space but each other, particularly when one crewmember (Mark Strong) goes insane becoming a murderous saboteur.
Male Deaths[]
- Cliff Curtis [Searle]
- Chris Evans [Mace]
- Troy Garity [Harvey]
- Cillian Murphy [Robert Capa]
- Hiroyuki Sanada [Captain Kaneda]
- Mark Strong [Pinbacker]
- Benedict Wong [Trey]
Female Deaths[]
- Rose Byrne [Cassie]
- Chipo Chung [Voice of Icarus II]
- Michelle Yeoh [Corazon]