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Stratford Johns in I, Claudius

Stratford Johns (1925 - 2002)

Film Death:[]

TV Deaths:[]

  • Department S: The Man in the Elegant Room (1969) [Paul Trenton]: Shot in the stomach by Toby Robins.
  • I, Claudius (1976; miniseries) [Piso]: Stabbed in the stomach by Irene Hamilton, after she fails to talk him into committing suicide.
  • Great Expectations (1981; miniseries) [Abel Magwitch]: Fatally injured during a struggle with Peter Whitbread in the water; he dies some time afterwards with Gerry Sundquist by his side.
  • Doctor Who: Four to Doomsday (1982) [Manarch]: Playing an alien cyborg, he is disintegrated by his own toxin when Peter Davison throws it at him just as Stratford is about to shoot Peter.
