Cinemorgue Wiki

Stepfanie Kramer in Twin Sisters

Stepfanie Kramer (1956 -)

Film Deaths[]

  • Twin Sisters (1992) [Carol Mallory/Lynn Cameron]: Playing a dual role as twins sisters, “Lynn” is shot in the chest when her own gun goes off during a struggle with “Carol” in the kitchen; her body is shown again later on when James Brolin discovers her. (“Carol” survives the movie).

Television Deaths[]

  • Twice in a Lifetime: The Nightmare Before Christmas (2000) [Delia]: Dies (though I don’t know the circumstances), her spirit is given a chance to go back in time and correct the past.
  • NCIS: Collective Memory (2021) [Sandra Holdren]: Shot in the head (off-screen) by Todd Waring, before the episode begins. Her body is shown when two Navy officers discover her.