Star Trek: Enterprise (TV series; 2001 - 2005)
aka Enterprise (seasons 1-2)
Plot Summary[]
More than a century before Captain Kirk's historic five-year mission (or 150 years from now), an earlier Enterprise begins Earth's first mission of deep-space exploration, encounter many new alien race, some of whom will one day join Earth in forming the United Federation of Planets.
Male Deaths:[]
- Dayo Ade (Episode 4.4 Borderland)
- David Andrews (Episode 3.21 E²)
- Vaughn Armstrong (Episode 4.7 The Forge/ Episode 4.18 In a Mirror, Darkly, Part I)
- Scott Bakula (Episode 3.8 Twilight/ Episode 3.21 E²/ Episode 4.19 In a Mirror, Darkly, Part II)
- John Billingsley (Episode 3.8 Twilight)
- Andrew Borba (Episode 3.24 Zero Hour)
- Keith Carradine (Episode 2.24 First Flight)
- Mark Chadwick (Episode 2.23 Regeneration)
- Steven Culp (Episode 3.23 Countdown)
- Kaj-Erik Eriksen (Episode 4.5 Cold Station 12)
- Chris Freeman (Episode 3.1 The Xindi)
- David Figlioli (Episode 2.26 The Expanse)
- Patrick Fischler (Episode 4.20 Demons)
- John Fleck (Episode 4.2 Storm Front, Part II)
- Gary Graham (Episode 4.19 In a Mirror, Darkly, Part II)
- Bruce Gray (Episode 4.8 Awakening)
- Adam Grimes (Episode 4.6 The Augments)
- Jack Gwaltney(Episode 4.2 Storm Front, Part II)
- Adam Harrington (Episode 2.23 Regeneration)
- J.G. Hertzler (Episode 4.4 Borderland)
- Josh Holt (Episode 4.21 Terra Prime)
- Gregory Itzin (Episode 4.19 In a Mirror, Darkly, Part II)
- Kris Iyer (Episode 4.5 Cold Station 12)
- Dominic Keating (Episode 3.8 Twilight / Episode 4.19 In a Mirror, Darkly, Part II)
- Donovan Knowles (Episode 4.10 Daedalus)
- Jeff Kober (Episode 1.15 Shadows of P'Jem)
- Thomas Kopache (Episode 3.15 Harbinger)
- Richard Lineback (Episode 3.1 The Xindi)
- Scott MacDonald (Episode 3.24 Zero Hour)
- Derek Magyar (Episode 4.19 In a Mirror, Darkly, Part II)
- Noel Manzano (Episode 4.10 Daedalus)
- Joe Maruzzo (Episode Episode 4.1 Storm Front, Part I)
- Sean McGowan (Episode 3.22 The Council)
- Stephen McHattie (Episode 3.1 The Xindi)
- Anthony Montgomery (Episode 2.3 Dead Stop / Episode 3.8 Twilight )
- Tom Morga (Episode 3.5 Impulse / Episode 3.11 Carpenter Street / Episode 4.4 Borderland)
- Jeffrey Dean Morgan (Episode 3.11 Carpenter Street)
- Mark Moses (Episode 1.1 Broken Bow)
- Christopher Neame (Episode 4.2 Storm Front, Part II)
- Alec Newman (Episode 4.6 The Augments)
- Michael Nouri (Episode 4.7 The Forge)
- Randy Oglesby (Episode 3.22 The Council)
- Brett Rickaby (Episode 3.8 Twilight)
- Scott Rinker (Episode 4.14 The Aenar)
- Daniel Riordan (Episode 2.26 The Expanse)
- Mark Rolston (Episode 2.17 Canamar)
- Tom Schanley (Episode 3.21 E²)
- Jonathan Schmock (Episode 4.22 These Are the Voyages...)
- Paul Scott (Episode 2.23 Regeneration)
- John Short (Episode 2.23 Regeneration)
- L. Sidney (Episode 2.26 The Expanse)
- Mark Elliott Silverberg (Episode 4.2 Storm Front, Part II)
- David Sobolov (Episode 4.19 In a Mirror, Darkly, Part II)
- Bruce Thomas (Episode 3.24 Zero Hour)
- Connor Trinneer (Episode 3.8 Twilight / Episode 3.10 Similitude / Episode 3.21 E² / Episode 4.22 These Are the Voyages...)
- Joel West (Episode 4.4 Borderland)
- Richard Wharton (Episode 2.7 The Seventh)
- Rudolph Willrich (Episode 1.20 Oasis)
- Matt Winston (Episode 1.11 Cold Front / Episode 4.1 Storm Front, Part I)
- Tom Wright (Episode 4.1 Storm Front, Part I)
- Chris Wynne (Episode 2.23 Regeneration)
- David Youse (Episode 3.12 Chosen Realm)
Female Deaths:[]
- Kristen Ariza (Episode 4.6 The Augments)
- Jolene Blalock (Episode 2.2 Carbon Creek / Episode 3.8 Twilight / Episode 3.21 E²)
- Abby Brammell (Episode 4.6 The Augments)
- Molly Brink (Episode 4.13 United)
- Kipleigh Brown (Episode 3.20 The Forgotten)
- Joanna Cassidy (Episode 4.8 Awakening)
- Melinda Clarke (Episode 1.1 Broken Bow)
- Bonita Friedericy (Episode 2.23 Regeneration)
- Tess Lina (Episode 3.21 E²)
- Linda Park (Episode 3.8 Twilight / Episode 4.11 Observer Effect / Episode 4.19 In a Mirror, Darkly, Part II)
- Christine Romeo (Episode 4.20 Demons)
- Claudette Sutherland (Episode 1.20 Oasis)
- Becky Wahlstrom (Episode 2.22 Cogenitor)