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Shawn C. Phillips in 12/24

Shawn C. Phillips (1985 - )

Film Deaths[]

  • 12-24 (2008) [Tree Lights Zombie]: Appears as a zombie, having died (off-screen) at some point either before or during the events of the film.
  • Assault of the Sasquatch (2009) [Don]: Killed after having his head punched through by the Sasquatch, while Cuyle Carvin looks on in horror.
  • President's Day (2010) [Dennis]: Dismembered by George Stover.
  • Bloody Mary 3D (2011) [Officer Stevens]: Stabbed in the ear with a knife.
  • Zombie Babies (2011) [Louis]: Killed by the Zombie Baby while on the toilet.
  • Haunted High (2012) [Blake]: Crushed to death between the sliding walls after being trapped in a room.
  • Girls Gone Dead (2012) [Jared]: Murdered by the killer.
  • Ghost Shark (2013) [Mick]: Eaten by the ghost shark.
  • Grave Robbers from Outer Space (2015) [Undead]: Plays the role of a zombie who died before the movie actually takes place.
  • Dead Ant (2017): While trying to escape the mutant ants he tries to hide on a public chemical toilet, which is thrown away with him inside the toilet.
  • Camp Blood 8: Revelations (2020) [Fred]: Stabbed to death by Kyle Ian Fisher with a machete.
  • Zombi VIII: Urban Decay (2021) [Shawn]: Bitten on the neck by the zombie chick.
  • Terror Toons 4 (2022) [Rat Victim 3]: Has his stomach bitten open by a mutated rat, who then pulls his intestines out.
  • Angry Asian Murder Hornets (2020) [Pool Boy]:
