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Shauna Macdonald's death in The Descent: Part 2

Shauna Macdonald (1981 -)

Film Deaths[]

  • The Descent (2005) [Sarah Carter]: Presumably killed (off-screen) by the creatures, shortly after the final scene; the movie ends with the sounds of the creatures, followed by Shauna's scream, after the screen goes to black. (Note: The US R-rated version omitted the final scene, thus making the character escape and survive without the "twist". It's this ending that The Descent: Part 2 follows.) 
  • Jetsam (2007): Stabbed by Alex Reid who has mistaken Shauna for an impostor.
  • The Descent: Part 2 (2009) [Sarah Carter]: Torn to shreds off-screen by the underground creatures after she screams in order to allow Krysten Cummings to escape. The scene cuts from her death right as the monsters surround her and jump at her. 
  • Howl (2015) [Kate]: Killed offscreen by a werewolf.  We last see Shauna standing terrified as a werewolf runs towards her; it cuts away just before impact.
  • Nails (2017) [Dana Milgrom]: Slammed repeatedly into the walls of a hospital lobby by the demon Nails (Richard Foster-King).

Television Deaths[]
