Sean Hoy in MacGyver: Deadly Dreams
Sean Hoy (19?? -)
Film Deaths[]
- Hold the Dark (2018) [Old Timer Deputy]: Shot to death with a machine gun (along with many other cops) by Julian Black Antelope during a shootout.
Television Deaths[]
- MacGyver: Deadly Dreams (1989) [Nurse #1]: Strangled by Jeff Irvine in the prison infirmary.
- Fear Itself: Chance (2008) [Geaghan]: To be added
- Hell on Wheels: One Less Mule (2013) [Joseph Dutson]: Neck snapped by Christopher Heyerdahl after stabbing him.
- The Recruit: Y.D.E.K.W.Y.D. (2022) [Salvatore Kwitny]: Beaten to death with a tire iron by Laura Haddock, as revenge for Sean beating Amanda Schull.