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Sal Borgese in Brothers Till We Die

Sal Borgese (1937 - )

a.k.a. Salvatore Borgese

Film Deaths[]

  • My Name Is Pecos (2 once di piombo) (1966[Slim] Shot by Robert Woods.
  • The Brute and the Beast (Le colt cantarono la morte e fu... tempo di massacro) (1968) [Scott's Henchman] Shot by Franco Nero.
  • A Bullet For The General (Original title: Quién sabe?) (1967) [Bandit]: Shot to death during the attack.
  • If You Meet Sartana...Pray for Your Death (Se incontri Sartana prega per la tua morte) (1968) [El moreno] Shot in the head by William Berger.
  • Five For Hell (5 per l'inferno) (1969) [Al Siracusa]: Shot in the back by Klaus Kinski in the big firefight with the German troops.
  • I Am Sartana, Your Angel of Death (Sono Sartana, il vostro becchino) (1969) [Sheriff Fisher] Shot to death by Gianni Garko.
  • Light the Fuse...Sartana Is Coming (Una nuvola di polvere) (1970) [Traitor] Shot to death by Massimo Serato.
  • The Big Racket (Il grande racket) (1976) [Salvatore Velasci] Machine gunned by gangsters.
  • Death Rage (Blood Reckoning) (Con la rabbia agli occhi) (1976) [Vincent] Shot to death by Yul Brynner.
  • Brothers Till We Die (La Banda del gobbo(1978) [Milo Dragovic 'Albanese]: Shot in the head off-screen by Tomas Milian. His body is shown at the crime scene.
  • The Magnificient Gladiators (I sette magnifici gladiatori) (1983) [Glafiro] Sliced in the face with a sword by Dan Vadis