Ryan Corr in Hacksaw Ridge
Ryan Corr (1989 - )
Film Deaths[]
- Hacksaw Ridge (2016) [Lieutenant Manville]: Dies when a Japanese soldier grabs a grenade and blows himself up along with Ryan.
- 1% (Outlaws) (2017) [Paddo]: Shot in the chest by Matt Nable; he shoots his brother (Josh McConville) in the head at his own request before dying. Although his body is not shown, his death is confirmed when Abbey Lee finds the blood stains where he and Josh died.
- Sting (2024) [Ethan]: Electrocuted when he tries to reconnect a trash compactor plug while sprinklers are on. He's later revived when Penelope Mitchell performs CPR on him.
Television Deaths[]
- House of the Dragon: The Princess and the Queen (2022) [Ser Harwin 'Breakbones' Strong]: Burns alive with his father (Gavin Spokes) when his home is set on fire and the ceiling collapses on them, as orchestrated by prisoners on orders of his brother (Matthew Needham).