Romano Puppo in Contraband
Romano Puppo (1933 - 1994)
Film Deaths[]
- The Big Gundown (La resa dei conti) (1966) [Widow's Ranchero] Shot to death by Lee Van Cleef.
- The Brute and the Beast (Le colt cantarono la morte e fu... tempo di massacro) (1968) [Scott's Henchman] Shot numerous times in the stomach by Franco Nero.
- The Good, the Bad, and the Ugly (Il Buono, il brutto, il cattivo) (1966) [Member of Angel Eyes' Gang]: Shot to death by Eli Wallach.
- Day of Anger (I Giorni dell'ira; Blood and Grit; Gunlaw) (1967) [Hart Perkins]: Shot in the chest by Lee Van Cleef.
- Sabata (Ehi amico...c'e Sabata. Hai chiuso!) (1969) [Rocky Bendato, Stengel Henchman] Shot to death by Lee Van Cleef.
- The Unholy Four' '(Ciakmull - L'uomo della vendetta) (1970) [Burt]: Shot to death by Leonard Mann.
- Street Law (Il Cittadino si ribella) (1974) [Ringleader of Carlo's Assailants] Shot in the chest with a shotgun blast by Franco Nero.
- The Big Racket (Il grande racket) (1976) [Doringo] Shot in the back by Joshua Sinclair
- Street People (Gli esecutori) (1976) [Fortunate] Neck snapped by Roger Moore.
- The Heroin Busters (La via della droga) (1977) [Leroy's 3rd-in-Command] Shot by Fabio Testi.
- The Great Alligator (Il Fiume del grande caimano; Alligators; Big Alligator River) (1979) [Peter]:Shot in the back with a flaming arrow. NOTE: His death is not shown in all cuts of the film.
- Contraband (Luca il Contrabbandiere) (1980) [Enforcer]: Shot in the stomach with a shotgun (blowing his guts out) by a rival gangster.
- Day of the Cobra (Il giorno del Cobra) (1980) [Silvestri] Thrown out of a building by Franco Nero
- The Last Shark (L'ultimo squalo) (1981) [Briley] Eaten by the shark.
- 2019: After the Fall of New York (2019: Dopo la caduta di New York) (1983) [Ratchet] Bashed in the head with a rock by Michael Sopkiw.
- Escape from the Bronx (Fuga dal Bronx; Bronx Warriors 2; Escape 200) (1983) [Trash's Father]: Set on fire with a flamethrower by the security forces.
- Robowar (Robot da guerra) (1988) [Cpl. Neil Corey] Slammed in the chest by Claudio Fragasso causing him to throw up blood.
- Born to Fight (Nato per combattere) (1989) [Alex Bross] Shot in the back by John Van Dreelen