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Robin Sydney-The Lost 1

Robin Sydney's death in The Lost

Robin Sydney (1984 - )

aka. Robin Sydney Heymsfield

Film Deaths[]

  • The Lost (2006) [Katherine Wallace]: Shot in the back by Marc Senter as she tries to run away.
  • Big Bad Wolf (2006) [Melissa]: Mauled to death as her bare breasts are torn apart by the werewolf Richard Tyson's paws in the woods, as Adam Grimes looks on in horror.(Nudity Alert: Topless)
  • Wicked Lake (2008) [Ilene]: Fatally injured after Justine Stone had beaten her with his fist then bashed her head with a big rock. She gradually dies as her friends Carlee Baker, Eve Mauro and Eryn Joslyn looks on. Eryn later burns her body off-camera from a matchstick. She is later seen alive along with Carlee and Eve as the scene cuts to black.
  • Gingerdead Man 3: Saturday Night Cleaver (2011) [Robyn]: Electrocuted along with almost everyone else in the club. She's brought back to life along with everyone else at the end of the movie.
  • Night of the Living Dead 3D: Re-Animation (2012) [DyeAnne]: Neck bitten off-camera by zombified Andra Kokott inside the bungalow (We just hear her scream from outside the house). Her body is seen lying on the front bench as Sarah Lieving along with Adam Chambers discovered her. She was later killed (while being unconscious, in transition to become a zombie herself) by Andrew Divoff with a shotgun in her stomach off-camera as mercy killing while Sarah watched.
  • American Muscle (2014) [Darling]: Shot in her right eye by Nick Principe while she was pointing a gun at him at close proximity as well as accosting him.

Television Deaths[]

  • Masters Of Horror: The Right to Die (2007) [Trish]: Decapitated with a Saw by Martin Donovan after being previously skinned alive, then, he dismembered her body post-mortem.
  • Femme Fatales: The Clinic (2011) [Lindsey]: Presumably died off-screen as her lungs removed for an old man patient after she's caught by clinic authority while trying to run away with Daniel Bess. (Though her death is not shown in this episode, it is implied the clinic she was in, secretly kills people after illegally transplanting organs and she meticulously saw her chart about her lungs)
