Robert Hundar (1935 - 2008)
AKA Claudio Undari
Film Deaths[]
- Marco Polo (1962) [Mongka] Shot with a cannon blast in the films climatic battle.
- Battle of the Commandos (Legion Of The Damned, La Legione dei dannati)' (1969)' [Pvt Raymond Stone]: Shot by a German guard after he has jumped from the moving train. (Thanks to Brian)
- Sabata (Ehi amico...c'e Sabata. Hai chiuso!) (1969) [Oswald, Stengel Henchman] Shot to death by Franco Ressel.
- Cut-Throats Nine (Condenados a vivir)(1972) [Sgt. Brown] After being tortured, he burns to death when the convicts burn down the cabin he is in, while tied up. He appears as hallucinations later in the film as a zombie like creature.
- Shanghai Joe (Il Mio name e Shanghai Joe; The Dragon Strikes Back; The Fighting Fists of Shanghai Joe; My Name Is Shanghai Joe) (1973) [Pedro, The Cannibal]: Head dumped into a pot of boiling water by Chen Lee.
- Free Hand for a Tough Cop (Il Trucido e lo sbirro; Tough Cop) (1976) [Mario]: Shot in the chest by Claudio Cassinelli
- The Cynic, the Rat & the Fist (Il Cinico, l'infame, il violento) (1977) [Dario]: Shot to death by Maurizio Merli