Cinemorgue Wiki

Robert Hays in Superhero Movie

Robert Hays (1947 - )

Film Deaths[]

  • Superhero Movie (2008) [Blaine Riker]: Accidentally shot repeatedly (in addition to being hit on the head with a falling street light and chocking on a ring that falls into his mouth) when his son (Sam Cohen) attempts to come to the rescue during a mugging, causing numerous shots to go wild. He dies shortly afterwards while talking to Sam. (Played for comic effect)

TV Deaths[]

  • Running Against Time (1990 TV) [David Rhodes]: Shot by Jack Ruby (no actor listed) while being escorted out of the courthouse, after accidentally taking the place of Lee Harvey Oswald (James DiStefano) when he travels back him time to stop him; his death is prevented when Catherine Hicks travels back in time herself to stop Robert.

Noteworthy connections[]