Rick Pasqualone (1966 - )
Film Deaths[]
- Greenland (2020) [National News Anchor]: He may have died off-screen when the rest of Clarke hit Earth. Although it is not seen afterwards, it is not likely that they survived the apocalyptic impact.

Rick Pasqualone dead in CSI: NY: Risk
TV Deaths[]
- CSI: NY: Risk (2006) [QT Jammer]: Smothered with a pillow laced with chloroform by Mark Famiglietti, who later hangs Rick outside his office window to make it look like a suicide.
Video Game Deaths[]
- Mafia III (2016) [Vittorio Antonio "Vito" Scaletta] : Shot multiple times in the chest, later in the head by Alex Hernandez (dependent on how much turf Rick is given by the player) or shot once/multiple times by Alex Hernandez (if the player chooses "Rule Alone"), possibly alongside Barry O'Rourke and Erica Tazel.