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Richard Kind's dream death in A Serious Man

Richard Kind (1956 - )

Film Deaths[]

  • Clifford (1994) [Julien Daniels]: Presumably dies from the passage of time, from 1994 to 2050, where Martin Short is now an old man.
  • Treasure Planet (2002; animated)
  • A Serious Man (2009) [Uncle Arthur]: In a dream sequence, he is shot in the back of the head by Peter Breithmater (He survives the movie in reality.)
  • Inside Out (2015, animated) [Bing Bong]: Fades to nothingness after sacrificing his life to save Amy Poehler.
  • Rifkin's Festival (2020) [Mort's Father]: Implied to have died before the film begins. He only appears in dreams Wallace Shawn is having.  
  • Run & Gun (2022) [Grayson]: Accidentally dragged along behind a car driven by Ari Barkan, when Ben Milliken is able to handcuff Richard to the car and switch places with him.

TV Deaths[]