Cinemorgue Wiki

Richard Bull just before his off-screen death in "Mannix: Merry Go Round for Murder".

Richard Bull (1924 - 2014)

Film Deaths[]


TV Deaths[]

  • Mannix: Delayed Action (1968) [Richard]: Bleeds to death when he gets attacked by piranhas after falling into a piranha pool.
  • Mannix: The Need of a Friend (1968) [Bernard Cord]: Thrown (off-screen) out the window of his office by Paul Stevens. His body is shown afterwards when a crowd stands by him.
  • The F.B.I.: The Swindler (1969) [George Hoyer]: Accidently shot in the stomach in a struggle with Peter Donat.
  • Mannix: Merry Go Round for Murder (1969) [Frank Devereau]: Shot in the head (off-camera) by Paul Carr. We hear the shot and his body is shown when Mike Connors discovers him.
  • Mannix: The Nowhere Victim (1969) [Dr. Lambert Whitaker]: Shot to death (off-camera) during a shoot-out with Lloyd Battista's and Marc Lawrence's gang. His body is shown in his car.