Ralf Harolde (1899 - 1974)
a.k.a. Ralf Harold, Ralfe Harolde, Ralph Harolde, Rolf Harolde, Ralph Harolds.
Film Deaths[]
- Creation (1931) [Ned Hallet]: Eaten by a Triceratop after he had shot it’s baby; The film became unfinished for many reasons but all we have is him killing the baby and running for his life.
- Secret Service in Darkest Africa [Ch.1, North African Intrigue] (1943) [Riverboat Captain]: After being knocked out in a fight with Rod Cameron in the boiler room of his boat Ralf is killed in an explosion when Jacques Lory throws a barrel of black powder at Rod that goes into the boilers fire box. The subsequent explosion detonates the rest of the munitions on the ship causing it to be totally destroyed.