Rainbow Sun Francks in The Strain: New Horizons
Rainbow Sun Francks (1979 - )
aka Rainbow Francks
Film Deaths[]
- Aliens vs Predator: Requiem (2007) [Earl]: Head blown off (along with Juan Riedinger) with a plasma caster by a Predator (Ian Whyte).
TV Deaths[]
- Stargate: Atlantis: Before I sleep (2004) [Lt. Aiden Ford (Alternate Timeline)]: Drowned (off-screen) while trying to evacuate the flooding Atlantis while the city is still at the bottom of the ocean. Rainbow's main universe counterpart survives the episode.
- Stargate: Atlantis: The Hive (2005) [Lt. Aiden Ford]: Possibly killed in an explosion when the Wraith Hive ship he's aboard is destroyed. However, Joe Flanigan speculates that he may have survived, though Rainbow was never seen again in the series after this episode except in hallucinations.
- The Strain: New Horizons (2017) [Jason]: Shot in the forehead by Corey Stoll after becoming infected with the vampire virus.
- The Umbrella Academy: The White Violin (2019) [Detective Chuck Beaman]: Killed in the apocalypse, along with everyone else on Earth. He is last seen in his office, calmly sorting through files while flames consume the building.
Notable Connections[]
- Son of Don Francks
- Brother of Cree Summer