RJ Cyler (1995 - )

RJ Cyler in The Harder They Fall
Film Deaths[]
- Power Rangers (2017) [Billy Cranston / Blue Ranger]: Drowned after Elizabeth Banks drops him into the river as Dacre Montgomery, Naomi Scott, Ludi Lin, and Becky G watch on in horror. RJ's body shows when his friends pulls him out of the river. He is later brought back to life when Bryan Cranston resurrects him.
- The Harder They Fall (2021) [Jim Beckworth]: Shot in the face by Lakeith Stanfield during a quickdraw duel when Lakeith cheats by drawing and firing before the countdown ends.
TV Deaths[]
- Black Lightning: The Book of Secrets: Chapter Three: Pillar of Fire (2019) [Todd Green]: Killed in a car explosion orchestrated by Kearran Giovanni.
- Swamp Thing: Pilot (2019) [Jones]: Impaled by living vegetation in a swamp.