Peter Shukoff (1979 - )
a.k.a. Nice Peter
Deaths in Web Series[]
- Epic Rap Battles of History: Steve Jobs vs. Bill Gates (2012) [Steve Jobs]: Peter dies after his second rap to go to Heaven, a reference to the death of the real-life Steve Jobs.
- Epic Rap Battles of History: Doc Brown vs. Doctor Who (2012) [The Tenth Doctor]: Shot by a Dalek controlled by Zach Sherwin. After he dies, he becomes George Watsky.
- Epic Rap Battles of History: Clint Eastwood vs. Bruce Lee (2012) [Moustached Cowboy]: Plays multiple cowboys, most of which are shot and killed by Lloyd Ahlquist.
- Epic Rap Battles of History: Romeo and Juliet vs. Bonnie and Clyde (2014) [Romeo Montague]: Drinks poison after believing Grace Helbig has been killed after being shot by Hannah Hart. (Played for comic effect)