Paul Ganus (1961 - )
TV Deaths[]
- The Fresh Prince of Bel-Air: You've Got to be a Football Hero (1993) [Jim]: Dies in a car crash when his car goes off a cliff in a game of chicken sometime before the episode begins; he appears as a ghost to Will Smith. (Played for semi-comic effect.)
- Beyond Belief: Fact or Fiction: Get Your Kicks at Motel 66 (2000) [Joe Bender]: Shot in the abdomen (off-camera) during a gunfight with Billy the Kid's ghost (actor unknown); his body is seen in his motel room when his wife (Caitlin Dulany) discovers him, after she had heard the shot from a distance.
- The Bold and the Beautiful (October 3, 2007) [Andy Johnson]: Electrocuted when he falls into an electrical transformer during a confrontation with Ronn Moss.