Once Upon a Time in the West (1968)
Director: Sergio Leone
A mysterious stranger with a harmonica (Charles Bronson) joins forces with a notorious desperado to protect a beautiful widow (Claudia Cardinale) from a ruthless assassin working for the railroad.
Male Deaths[]
- Aldo Berti [Member of Frank's Gang Playing Poker]
- Frank Braña [Member of Frank's Gang Smoking Pipe at Auction]
- Saturno Cerra [Member of Frank's Gang on Train]
- Spartaco Conversi [Member of Frank's Gang Shot Through Boot]
- Bruno Corazzari [Cheyenne's 3rd Man]
- Jack Elam [Snaky - Member of Frank's Gang]
- Gabriele Ferzetti [Morton - Railroad Baron]
- Paolo Figlia [Member of Frank's Gang]
- Henry Fonda [Frank]
- John Frederick [Jim - Member of Frank's Gang]
- Michael Harvey [Frank's Lieutenant]
- Stefano Imparato [Patrick McBain]
- Claudio Mancini [Harmonica's Brother]
- Antonio Molino Rojo [Member of Frank's Gang at Auction]
- Al Mulock [Knuckles - Member of Frank's Gang]
- Jason Robards [Manuel 'Cheyenne' Gutierrez]
- Lorenzo Robledo [2nd Member of Cheyenne's Gang]
- Aldo Sambrell [Cheyenne's Lieutenant]
- Enzo Santaniello [Timmy McBain]
- Claudio Scarchilli
- Benito Stefanelli [Frank's Lieutenant]
- Woody Strode [Stony - Member of Frank's Gang]
- Fabio Testi [Member of Frank's Gang with Black Hat at Auction]
- Frank Wolff [Brett McBain]
- Marco Zuanelli [Wobbles]
Female Deaths[]
- Simonetta Santaniello [Maureen McBain]