Olga Karlatos in Murder Rock
Olga Karlatos (1947 - )
Film Deaths[]
- Keoma (Desperado; Django Rides Again; Django's Great Return; The Violent Breed) (1976) [Lisa]: Dies in childbirth; the scene of her going into labor is intercut with Franco Nero's final shoot-out with his brothers. Her body is shown again afterwards when Franco returns after the shoot-out and sees her.
- Blood and Diamonds (Diamanti sporchi di sangue) (1977) [Maria] Shot numerous in times in the back by mobsters.
- Damned in Venice (Nero veneziano) (1977) [Aunt Magdalene]: Dies of a heart attack shortly after her nephew has a vision of her being stabbed with a sword by Yorgo Voyagis. (Thanks to Johan)
- Zombie (Zombi 2; Island of the Flesh Eaters; Island of the Living Dead) (1979) [Paola Menard]: Stabbed in the eye when a zombie pulls her head through a splintered wooden door. Her body is shown again later when the others discover a bunch of zombies eating her.
- Murderock (Murderock; Uccide a passo di danza; Giallo a disco; Slashdance) (1984) [Candice Norman]: Commits suicide by stabbing herself in the chest with a hat pin.
Television Deaths[]
- Eneide (1971) - TV Miseries [Queen Didone]: Comitts suicide by stabbing herself.
- Quo Vadis? (1985 TV mini-series) [Epicaris]: Commits suicide rather than be taken away for questioning/torture by Klaus Maria Brandauer's men. (Thanks to Johan)
Noteworthy Connections[]
- Ex-wife of Nikos Papatakis (director).
- Wife of Arthur Rankin Jr. (animation director/producer) (widowed).