Nikki SooHoo (1988 - )
Film Death[]
- The Lovely Bones (2009) [Holly]: Killed (off-screen, exact method unclear) by Stanley Tucci some time before the story begins. She appears as a spirit in the afterlife when she meets Saoirse Ronan, and her body is shown when Saoirse sees a vision of Stanley’s past victims and learns that Nikki was one of them. (Thanks to Tommy)
Television Deaths[]
- Heathers: Are We Going to Prom or Hell? (2018) [Betty Finn]: Killed in a bomb explosion along with Sophia Grosso, Annalisa Cochrane, Allyn Morse, Brett Cooper, Jeremy Culhane, Christina Burdette, Romel De Silva, Paige Weldon, Jesse Leigh, and Adwin Brown caused by Grace Victoria Cox and James Scully.