Cinemorgue Wiki

Nieves Navarro in The Slasher.

Nieves Navarro (1938 - )

a.k.a. Susan Scott

Film Deaths[]

  • A Pistol for Ringo (Una Pistola per Ringo) (1965) [Dolores] Has a knife thrown into her back by Nazzareno Zamperla. 
  • El Rojo (1967) [Consuela]: Shot to death by Piero Lulli when she gets in front of Richard Harrison and takes the bullet for him. (Thanks to Andrea)
  • Light the Fuse...Sartana Is Coming (Una nuvola di polvere) (1970) [Sra. Belle Manassas] Shot to death by Piero Lulli.
  • Death Walks on High Heels (La Morte cammini con i tacchi alti) (1971) [Nicole Rochard]: Smothered with a pillow by Frank Wolff. Her body is shown again later on when she’s discovered floating in the ocean. (Thanks to Johan)
  • All the Colors of the Dark (Tutti i colori del buio; Day of the Maniac; Demons of the Dead; They’re Coming to Get You) (1972) [Barbara Harrison]: Shot in the stomach by George Hilton. Despite this apparent murder, the police still inform Edwige Fenech that Nieves committed suicide, so it’s unclear whether something else happened off-screen after this scene. (Thanks to Johan)
  • The Slasher (Rivelazioni di un maniaco sessuale al capo della squado mobile; Bad Girls; The Slasher is the Sex Maniac; So Naked, So Dead; Penetration) (1972) [Lily]: Throat slashed beside her pond in her garden by Chris Avram. Her body is shown again when Farley Granger investigates the crime scene, assisted by the unsuspected Chris.
  • The Magnificent Dare Devil (Troppo rischio per un uomo solo) (1973) [Nina]: Stabbed in the neck by Mario Erpichini; her body is shown afterwards lying on the floor when the police investigate. (Thanks to Johan)
  • Emanuelle and the Last Cannibals (Emanuelle e gli ultimi cannibali; Emanuelle’s Amazon Adventure; Trap Them and Kill Them) (1977) [Maggie McKenzie]: Disemboweled by cannibals after being tied to a stake. (Nudity alert: full frontal) (Thanks to Johan)

TV Deaths[]

None known.

Noteworthy Connections[]

  • Wife of Luciano Ercoli (director) (widowed).
