Cinemorgue Wiki

Nick Zano in The Final Destination

Nick Zano (1978 - )

Film Death[]

  • The Final Destination (2009) [Hunt Wynorski]: Internal organs sucked out through his anus after he gets trapped on the pool drain as its power accidentally gets set on the highest level. (In Bobby Campo's initial premonition at the racetrack, Nick is crushed to death, along with Haley Webb, by falling rubble.) (Thanks to Auber and Joshua)

Television Deaths[]

  • Legends of Tomorrow: Aruba (2017) [Nate Heywood - Aberration]: In a dual role as Nate from the past and an aberration from an alternate future, the aberration is killed after he is stabbed through the back by Neal McDonough. The past version of Nate survives the episode.
  • Legends of Tomorrow: Here I Go Again (2018) [Nate Heywood]: Killed multiple times throughout the episode in a time loop when the Waverider explodes, while he is also electrocuted while attempting to hack into Dominic Purcell's safe. (The time loop is later revealed to be a simulation for Tala Ashe set up by Amy Pemberton to help Tala become close with the Legends and stay, so Nick survives the episode.)
  • Legends of Tomorrow: Legends of To-Meow-Meow (2018) [Nate Heywood]: Nick dies in two of the alternate timelines: 1) Nick, along with Brandon Routh and Dominic Purcell are strangled to death by Jane Carr using vines and 2) he dies off-screen of unknown circumstances and a memorial picture is shown along with his father Thomas F. Wilson; These timelines are both erased when Matt Ryan doesn't break things off with Christian Keyes.
  • Legends of Tomorrow: Hey, World! (2019) [Nate Heywood]: Throat crushed by Brandon Routh who is being possessed by a demon; he is resurrected by Jane Carr's staff using the power of love.
  • sabes que nick no murio en destino final 4 porque solo se le rompio la mandibula y no le paso nada a su craneo y cerebro.