Cinemorgue Wiki

Natalia Avelon in Far Cry

Natalia Avelon (1980 - )

Film Deaths[]

  • Far Cry (2008) [Katia Chernov]: Neck snapped by Ralf Moeller as she approaches him to finish him off, after she shoots him in the eye.

Television Deaths[]

  • Commissario Laurenti: Totentanz (2009) [Alba Guerra]: Beaten over the head with a frozen codfish and knocked down a flight of stairs by Ann-Kathrin Kramer.
  • Kommissar LaBréa: Todesträume am Montparnasse (2010) [Dr. Hélène Clément]: During a break from a police interrogation, she kills herself in the bathroom stall with a cyanide capsule.
