Mimi Michaels before her off-screen death in CSI: One to Go
Mimi Michaels (1983 - )
Film Deaths[]
- Boogeyman 3 (2008) [Lindsay]: Stuffed into a washing machine by the Boogeyman.
TV Deaths[]
- Backwoods (2008 TV Movie) [Maggie]: Commits suicide by jumping off a cliff when she can't cope with what she's seen, as Haylie Duff and Ryan Merriman try to stop her.
- 30 Days of Night: Dust to Dust (2008 mini series) [Sara Maguire]: Commits suicide by running outside into the sunlight after being turned into a vampire.
- CSI: One to Go (2009) [Tiffany Cohen]: Tortured to death (off-screen) by Bill Irwin, several years before the story begins; we only see her in video footage that the CSI team views.