Michael Maize in Grimm: Hour of Death
Michael Maize (1974 - )
TV Deaths[]
- Power Rangers in Space: The Enemy Within (1998) [Psycho Black]: Destroyed by the Mega Voyager's V3 Missile attack.
- Power Rangers Lost Galaxy: To The Tenth Power (1999) [Psycho Black]: Destroyed by the combined powers of the Space Rangers and Galaxy Rangers.
- Angel: Life of the Party (2003) [Artode]: Mutilated (off-screen) by Andy Hallett's Subconcious Form (David Mattey).
- Charmed: Extreme Makeover: World Edition (2005) [Kazl and Zyke]: Playing a dual role, 'Zyke' is vanquished, along with Lorin McCraley, by Oded Fehr in order to gain Kerr Smith's trust.
- Grimm: The Hour of Death (2012) [Adrian Zayne]: Tortured to death with a fire poker by Michael Grant Terry.
- Hawaii Five-0: Ka Papahana Holo Pono (2015) [Aaron James]: Shot in the chest by Steve Bastoni.
- NOS4A2: The Shorter Way (2019) [Ives]: Thrown out of a moving car by Zachary Quinto.