Cinemorgue Wiki
009ASM Michael Lerner 001

Michael Lerner in A Serious Man

Michael Lerner (1941 - 2023)

Not to be confused with Michael Learned

Film Deaths[]

Television Deaths[]

  • Omen IV: The Awakening (1991) [Earl Knight]: Crushed to death/struck by a supernaturally controlled runaway wrecking ball (after it comes crashing through an office trailer) 
  • Tales From The Crypt: People Who Live in Brass Hearses (1993) [Earl Byrd/Earl Byrd's Siamese Twin]: Playing a double role of a man and his siamese twin, the siamese twin was shot in the face by Brad Dourif. (Earl Byrd survives the episode).
  • Kingdom Hospital: Heartless (2004) [Sheldon Fleischer]: The anteater with the voice of Birkett Turton rips out his heart to place that of Peter Wingfield killing him in the process.


Notable Connections[]