Cinemorgue Wiki

Michael Gothard moments before his death in For Your Eyes Only

Michael Gothard (1939 - 1992)

Film Deaths[]

  • Up The Junction (1968) [Terry]: Killed on impact in a high speed collision with a lorry when racing his mate on their motorcycles. (Thanks to Brian)
  • Scream and Scream Again (Screamer) (1969) [Keith]: Commits suicide by jumping into a vat of acid while being chased by police.
  • The Last Valley (1971) [Hansen] After being mortally wounded with a gunshot by Michael Caine , he is stabbed off-screen by Ian Hogg
  • For Your Eyes Only (1981) [Emile Leopold Locque]: Car pushed over a cliff by Roger Moore while it teeters on the edge; in the process, his body is thrown from the car and left sprawled on the rocks below. Moore then elegizes him: "He had no head for heights."
  • Lifeforce (1985) [Dr. Bukovsky]: Life force drained by one of the space vampires, he later becomes a zombie or a space vampire along with the rest of the space centre research team when London becomes gripped in the space vampire plague.

TV Deaths[]
