Merrin Dungey (1971 - )
Film Deaths[]
- Greenland (2020) [Major Breen]: Presumably dies (off-screen) when the rest of Clarke hit Earth. Although it is not seen afterwards, it is not likely that they survived the apocalyptic impact.
TV Deaths[]
- Alias: Phase One (2003) [Francie Calfo]: Shot in the head by a surgically altered look-like of her (also played by Merrin) on David Anders and Ron Rifkin's orders. The look-like then disposes her body and takes her place, her death is shown in a flashback in the episode The Nemesis.
- Alias: Remnants (2003) [Allison Doren]: Playing a different role, she is stabbed in the chest by Bradley Cooper as revenge for killing Francie (Also Played by Merrin).
- American Horror Stories: Rubber(Wo)man Part One (2021) [Dr. Andi Grant]: Throat slit by Troy Castaneda while searching for Sierra McCormick. She later appears as a ghost throughout the episode.