Cinemorgue Wiki
MERCYMV5BZTAwYzA0MTQtOWUwNi00M2U0LTkxZGMtY2RmNGFiYjdiOGU4XkEyXkFqcGdeQXVyNjAwNjQ1NTg@ V1 UY1200 CR95,0,630,1200 AL

Mercy (2014)

Director: Peter Cornwell


To be added

Male Deaths[]

To be added

Female Deaths[]

To be added



  • Jack Carter's final acting role.
  • This is based on the short story "Gramma", found in Stephen King's collective of short stories titled "Skeleton Crew".
  • R L Flag Home for the Aged is most likely a homage to the character Randall Flagg from Stephen King's "The Stand".
  • The type of adult diapers are Bachman brand. Richard Bachman was Stephen King's nom de plume (pen name).
  • "Gramma's" house is the same house used in HBO's Carnivale by Brother Justin Crowe, played by Clancy Brown.
  • Filmed in early 2013.