Melina Mercouri in 'Stella'.
Melina Mercouri (1920 - 1994)
Former Greek Minister of Culture
Film Deaths[]
- Stella (1955) [Stella]: Stabbed in the back by George Foundas in the town square after she walks up to him despite his warnings that he's going to kill her. (Thanks to Elina)
- The Gypsy and the Gentleman (1958) [Belle]: Drowned in a river by Keith Mitchell, who also drowns during the struggle. (Thanks to Gordon)
- The Law (La legge) (1959) [Donna Lucrezia]: Commits suicide by jumping from the balcony of Yves Montand's apartment.
- Phaedra (1962) : [Phaedra] ;Commit suicide with sleeping pills after talking with Olympia Papadouka at her bedside.
- Promise at Dawn (1970) [Nina Kacew]: Dies of terminal illness. (It's been a long time since I've seen this movie, so I can't recall whether she had an on-screen death scene, her body was shown or we were merely formed of her death afterwards.)
Noteworthy Connections[]
- Wife of Jules Dassin