Masako Nozawa (1936 - )
Movie Deaths[]
- Dragon Ball Z: A Super Battle for the Whole Earth (1990; anime) [Goku, Gohan, Turles]: Turles is killed in an explosion when Goku launches a Spirit Bomb at him, sending him up the Tree of Might until it explodes. Goku and Gohan survive.
- Dragon Ball Z: A Final Solitary Battle! The Father of the Z Warrior, Son Goku, Who Challenged Frieza (1990; anime) [Bardock, Goku]: Bardock is disintegrated by Frieza's (Ryusei Nakao) Supernova attack along with the rest of the Saiyans and inhabitants of Planet Vegeta when he attempts to stop the attack. Goku survives.
- Dragon Ball Z: Defiance in the Face of Despair!! The Remaining Super Warriors, Gohan and Trunks (1993; anime) [Future Goku, Future Gohan]: Future Goku dies from the Heart Virus at the beginning of the movie. Future Gohan was killed by Android #17 (Shigeru Nakahara) and Android #18 (Miki Ito) when they blast him to death from above, his corpse found by Future Trunks (Takeshi Kusao) hours later.
- Digital Monster X-Evolution (2005; anime) [Gallantmon/Gallantmon X]: Impaled by Omnimon (Hideyuki Tanaka) after a short battle. Brought back to life as Gallantmon X.
- Lupin III: Blood Seal-Eternal Mermaid (2011; anime) [Masae Todo]: Impaled with a sword along with Misa (Risa Shimzu) by Kageura (Shiro Saito) on Himura's (Akira Ishida) orders.
TV Deaths[]
- Dragon Ball Z: Goku Dies! There's Only One Chance Left (1989; anime) [Goku, Gohan]: Goku is impaled by Piccolo's (Toshio Furukawa) Special Beam Cannon while holding Raditz (Shigeru Chiba) in its path killing both of them. Brought back to life with the Dragon Balls in the episode, Come Forth, Shenlong! The Saiyans Finally Arrive on Earth. Gohan survives.
- Dragon Ball Z: Bye Bye Everyone!! Goku's Last Instantaneous Movement (1993; anime) [Goku, Gohan]: Goku is killed alongside King Kai (Joji Yanami) and Android #17 (Shigeru Nakahara) when Goku brings Cell (Norio Wakamoto) to King Kai's planet where he blows himself up, after threatening to blow up the Earth. Brought back to life in the episode, For the Sake of the Entire Universe... Return to Life, Son Goku, when Old Kai (Reizo Nomoto) gives up his own life to restore Goku's to enable his return to Earth. Gohan survives.
- Dragon Ball Z: Earth Disappears!! Boo's Reverse-Transformation of Evil (1995; anime) [Goku, Gohan, Goten]: Goten and Gohan are killed alongside Trunks (Takeshi Kusao), Piccolo (Toshio Furukawa), Tien Shinhan (Hirotaka Suzuoki) and Chiaotzu (Hiroko Emori) when Kid Buu (Kozo Shioya) blows up the Earth. Gohan and Goten are brought back to life with the Namekian Dragon Balls in the episode, Vegeta's Secret Plan!! Polunga and the Two Wishes. Goku survives.