Mala Powers (in Joe De Santis' arms) in Thriller: The Bride Who Died Twice
Mala Powers (1931 - 2007)
Film Deaths:[]
None known.
Television Deaths:[]
- Zane Grey Theatre: Black is for Grief (1957) [Barbara Anderson]: Shot twice by her husband Tom Tryon when he comes home from the Civil War to find she has been unfaithful. (Thanks to Brian)
- Wanted Dead or Alive: Til Death Do us Part (1958) [Stacy Torrance]: Executed by hanging (off-screen), some time after the episode ends; we last see her as Steve McQueen starts to take her back to town to turn her in. (Thanks to Stephen)
- Thriller: The Bride Who Died Twice (1962) [Consuela de la Varra]: Commits suicide by taking poison after the execution of Robert Colbert; she dies in Joe De Santis' arms shortly afterwards. (She had also previously faked her death with a drug that temporarily placed her in a deathlike coma.)
- Rawhide: A Woman's Place (1962) [Loretta Opel]: Accidentally shot to death by her husband (Eduard Franz). Her body is shown again when Jacques Aubuchon takes her for burial and attempts to blame her murder as poisoning by Gail Kobe.
- Perry Mason: The Case of the Scarlet Scandal (1966) [Elaine Bayler]: Shot twice in the chest by Will Hutchins in her car. (Thanks to Dignan)
Notable connections[]
- Ex-Mrs. Montague Max (Monte) Vanton.
- Mrs. M. Hughes Miller (widowed).