Leslie Culton (1970 - )
Film Deaths[]
- NIghtThrist (2002) [Victim]: I haven't seen this film, but the imdb's identification of her character as "victim" would seem to indicate that she dies.
- Terror at Tate Manor (2002) [Candice]: Hit in the chest with an axe by the killer while she's in the bathtub. Her body is shown afterwards when Jenny Wallace discovers her. (I don't believe this film had any sort of release since its initial screening at the 2002 Dragon*Con but a clip of her death scene is included in the trailer/music video online at IFilm). (Nudity alert: Topless)
- Vamps 2: Blood Sisters (2002) [Nikki]: Bitten on the throat and drained of blood by Zoe Ciel and Shelby Taylor in the dressing room.