Laura Ortiz in The Hills Have Eyes

Laura Ortiz' and Robert Joy's deaths in The Hills Have Eyes
Laura Ortiz (1987 - )
Film Deaths[]
- The Hills Have Eyes (2006) [Ruby]: Falls to her death when she tackles Robert Joy and knocks him off the cliff, in order to save Aaron Stanford and the baby from Robert.
- Guardians of the Galaxy (2014) [Krylorian Attendant]: Blown up when Ophelia Lovibond overloads herself by grabbing ahold of the Power Stone with her bare hand, causing an explosion that destroys everything inside of Benicio Del Toro's collection, including Laura.
Television Deaths[]
- Robot Chicken: Your Mouth Is Hanging off Your Face (2018) [Dora Marquez/Cristin Young]: Playing a dual role, "Cristin Young" has her arms torn off by her mother (Seth Green). "Dora Marquez" survives the episode. (Played for comic effect.)